Groove AI removed the shortcomings of Chat GPT

Groove AI: This is an AI tool which is 10 times faster and better than chat gpt. It has created a simple platform by removing 4 shortcomings of chat gpt which can be easily used and provides you accurate information. It protects you from copyright and also provides you an assistant. It can also be used in chrome extension. You can use it better by choosing your writing style.

Today we will know how it is better than other GPT models and what is there in it which is not there in other AI tools. How it has created a new AI model by removing all the shortcomings. It is also expert in cloning your style. Along with this, it can also create new styles.

Features of Groove AI

Groove AI has the following features which are as follows –


The company says that now you do not need to use any other blog tool because with its help you can write a copyright free blog, it is also 10 times faster than all those tools which do the work of content writing.

Groove AI
credit :Groove.AI

Create type of content 10X faster

groove ai  will help you write blog, article, social media page, advertising, press release, funnel copy, landing page, process map, workbook, even book, outline, email, website copy, webinar registration pages, freemium etc. 10 times faster. This will save your time and you will be able to finish your work more quickly.

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Brand website builder

You can take its help in building the website with its help, it will help you in page, copy, title tags, SEO etc. With this you will not need any website builder. You can do all the work with this only.

chat assistant

You can use groove ai as an assistant in any project. You can use chat gpt and groove AI together as an assistant.

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Landing page funnel builder

You can create landing pages with drag and drop funnel builder.

chrome extensions

With the help of Chrome extension, you can easily use this tool on any website. You can use it in Gmail, blog, wordpress, bullet etc.

Create research primers

You can tell groom AI about your goal by uploading information about your company and work. You can upload information like youtube url, rss feed, website url, audio file etc. All this information will help you in doing the work you have done and will take you to the right goal.

preset prompt engineering

Tools like chat Gpt trouble you a lot if they do not give you the right prompt and do not provide you the right data, but in this you can use pre seasoned and pre baked through tone and voice.

Use writing style

You can copy the writing style of any other blog or website.

Clone your writing style

You can clone your writing style by putting the URL of your blog or website in it.

train new style

This will also help you in generating new style.


Many people can work together in this and at the same time they can easily understand each other’s work and use this tool.


Any app is better because of its marketplace. This AI tool provides you this facility, hence it is better than chat GPT because chat gpt gives you only one work and in that too it does not work slowly and without prompt. .


Developers like this tool very much because it provides everything they need.

Content summary

You can understand one hour long video and audio in just 5 minutes. You do not even need to read the entire article, it will give you all the information in brief.

Image and art

You can easily generate high quality images with the help of this tool. This will save both your time and money. It gives you a high engagement image by generating it.

Video, music, coding and more

You can do text to audio, text to video, coding etc. with its help.


This tool also gives you the option to extend the AI task. Due to which your business can become better.

More power with multiple AI APIs

You can also connect it with other company’s API like Google, OpenAI, Stability AI etc.

Groove AI pricing

Their price is $299 per month. Currently, due to this offer, you can use it for free for life time for $897. If you want, you can take this offer in 2 installments. You have to pay 497 dollars first, after this you can pay 497 dollars in the second installment. You are also provided 30 days money-back guarantee.

Groove AI
credit: Groove.AI


If you are looking for any AI tool then this tool is the best choice for you, you can easily do all your work using it. It provides you more options than chat Gpt. Its price is also low. It is also faster. You can do all the work like text, image, video etc. in it. And if you do not like this tool, your money will also be refunded. You must use this tool once so that you can use it as per your need.


Question: what is groove AI?

Answer: Groove ai is an AI tool which works in the fields of text, image, video, audio, content writing, blog, marketplace, email etc.

Question: How to login/sign up in groove AI?

Answer: You will have to purchase this tool first, only then you can login to it. Keep

in mind that you will login with the same ID with which you have purchased

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