GPTZero Ai : Check Ai + Human Content in 1 Click 100% Free

GPTZero Ai: An AI tool that helps you check whether an article or content is written by AI or by a human. Nowadays, many people are generating content with AI and trying to rank their blogs. But if you write content in bulk using AI, Google will not rank it. So the problem arises: how do we check if the content is written by AI or not? If yes, then how do we check it?

Although there are many AI tools available in the market to check AI-generated content, today we will talk about GPT Zero and how it can detect content from various AI tools. So stay with us till the end to easily get all the information.

What is GPT Zero Ai?

GPTZero Ai is an AI content detector tool, which means one AI will recognize another AI whether it is AI content or not. So if you want to check the content of your blog or someone else’s blog, you can use this tool to check how much content has been written by AI.

GPT Zero’s interface is simple, so you won’t need to think too much or understand it more. You just have to input your data, and it will provide you with the output.

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GPT Zero Login

  • To log in to GPT Zero, you need to go to the website. Then you have to click on “Get Started,” which will take you to a new page.
GPTZero Ai
  • Then you will see options to log in with Google, Facebook, GitHub, or SSO. Alternatively, you can create your account by entering your name, email ID, password, and organization.
GPTZero Ai
  • Once you enter all these details, you have to click on “Register,” and your GPT Zero ID will be created.

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How to check AI content with GPTZero Ai

  • First of all, you need to log in to GPT Zero. If you want to sign up, we have explained the whole process above.
GPTZero Ai
  • Then you need to copy the content you want to check and paste it in the dashboard of this platform.
GPTZero Ai
  • After that, you have to click on “Check Origin,” and it will provide you with all the information.

GPTZero Ai features

  • You can check content from Chat GPT, GPT 4, Llama, human, and human + AI content. In addition, it also provides the option of Deep Scan.
  • You can see 3 types of pricing plans in it.
  • This tool can be used by students, teachers, writers, recruiters, and many other people.

  • You also get the option of API in it.
  • You also get the option of Chrome extension in it.

Who is using GPTZero Ai?

Big media houses like Forbes, CNN, Wired, Washington Post, etc., are using GPTZero Ai content detector.

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GPTZero AI pricing

Essential: Its price is $10. In this, you get 150,000 words every month.

Premium: Its price is $16 per month. In this, you get 300,000 words.

GPTZero Ai

Professional: Its price is $23 per month. In this, you get 500,000 words.

GPTZero Ai review

This tool is quite beneficial. You should try its free version and give us a review so that our users can know about it well. It is a better option to use this tool as a free tool. You should definitely try it.

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If you want to use any other AI tool, you can do so. You will mostly get the same information in all of them. Only the price may vary. If the price is more in one, then it is less in another.

If you want an article on any new tool, inform us by commenting, and we will try to bring information about the tool you mentioned as soon as possible.

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